CrysticROOF Standard resin is an in situ, cold-applied, glass-reinforced polyester roofing system which provides a powerful, leak-free, long-lasting alternative to traditional roofing materials, such as bitumen, felt and lead.
Key benefits;
- A high performance solution for all roof structures, including flat, valley and pitched – and for all shapes, including walkways, roof-lights and balconies.
- Eliminates the need for heating equipment.
- When applied correctly, CrysticROOF® standard resin remains watertight and maintenance free for many years.
CrysticROOF® resin has been specially formulated for ease of application and to leave a tack free finish suitable for adhesion with the topcoat. It also features a colour change system to show that catalyst addition has taken place. Features Low Styrene Emission technology (LSE) – minimising odours. Pack Sizes: 20kg, 225kg
CrysticROOF® will be leak-free for a minimum of 10 years when using 450g CSM (or 15 years if using a 600g CSM chop strand mat) if installed under the right conditions following the recommended procedures by an experienced contractor. These details are contained within this guide and in the materials datasheets. Like any materials exposed to the elements, UV light degradation may cause the topcoat colour to change. This will not cause the roof to leak or affect the integrity of the roof. Please ask for details if there is a requirement for a GRP roof system. If a longer guarantee is required then CrysticROOF® BBA Premier can be used to give a 20 and 25 year guarantee.
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